
Integrated Ecotourism Experience

參與中華電信基金會與 5%Design Action 合作的「2023 蹲點創新設計行動」, 服務的社區為滿州鄉港口社區, 與社區夥伴互動、共創, 針對社區需求、所面臨的議題共同找出解決方法, 並後續一起實際推動設計落實。為了打造一條龍式的服務體驗, 吉祥物「茶茶」為導覽員。運用插畫式風格,期望能夠吸引更多的年輕客群, 也讓現有旅客更加深對港口社區的印象。
Interacting with partners in Manzhou Township Gangkou Community, we aim to build an integrated service experience tailored to the needs.'Chacha' leads travelers into the journey, attract more young customers and deepen everyone's impression of Gangkou Community.

